Clean Eating

eat - wholesome-balanced-food

What does eating clean mean? 

Restricting processed and sugary food, and reducing the overload of salt and fat is the core of clean eating. In short, eating wholesome food, with a good balance of all the macro and micronutrients is fundamental to a clean diet.

eat wellThere are no definite guidelines for ‘clean eating.’ The perception varies from one individual to another. In fact, ‘eating clean ’  is best when weaved into our daily life.  Only exception would to this is when one is into  complete detox program, which involves short-term, strict curbs on certain food categories. 

Do’s and Don’ts of ‘clean eating’

Moderation is the key when it comes to eating ‘clean.’ There is no need restrict anything unless. The idea is to fuel the body with enough fresh food like fruits, vegetables, dry fruits, lean meat, fish, eggs, milk, lentils and healthy carbs and fats. One should cut down on processed food, fizzy drinks, alcohol, fried food, oily and fatty food. However, that does not mean there is no scope for indulgence. 

The purpose of food is not only to fill up your stomach and provide necessary nutrition. Food should be enjoyed too. Life would be so dull if one is deprived of the occasional indulgences. The best part of clean eating is that it is flexible and does not put a full stop to anything.  The concept is diametrically opposite to that of detox. 

There are no hard and fast boundaries of ‘clean’ when it comes to food. One just needs to concentrate more on wholesome food items and limit the over indulgences of refined, processed, excessively oily, sugar-loaded and salty food and drinks. Your body is the best judge on deciding what is ‘clean’ for you. The goal is to save yourself from falling sick and that is the only parameter that matters when it comes to your daily diet. 

As Clean as possible

Needless to say, hydration is also an important part of keeping your system clean and therefore plays a vital role in ‘clean eating’. In my opinion, regular home-cooked food is the best way to maintain a clean diet. Nothing beats the power of seasonal fruits and vegetables but there is also no harm in satisfying the cravings of the off-season, frozen vegetables and fruits or curated meats and fish. 

Though ‘clean eating’ is associated with fresh food, there is absolutely no reason to completely ban preserved food items from the clean list. Pickling and curating are ancient methods of preserving food. Preserved foods are an essential part of many traditional cuisines around the globe. 

Traditional cuisines are the basis of any healthy diet plan. Conventional cuisines are based on several factors like the lifestyle, climate, availability of food products of the region. In the desert state of Rajasthan, people are used to drying lentils and other sun-dried vegetables as opposed to fresh products! That does not make the cuisine of the State unhealthy! Regional, local food habits have survived through several centuries and are time-tested for providing nutrition and health to many generations. 

There is nothing completely bad and perfectly good when it comes to ‘clean eating.’ I am very vocal about the local when it comes to a clean diet plan. Home-made food is again one of my first preferences along with moderation. Eating on time is also a very important part of eating clean. Time management ensures maximum health benefits from your daily diet. My clean-eating advice would be to eat on time, stay within the limits in order to live life ‘queen/king-size’!


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