Top Fitness Trends to watch out for – 2022 – what’s here to stay & what’s out

 Introduction – a sneak peak into Future – 

Fitness Trends to watch out for  

As another year prepares to retire, lets us take out our crystal balls/ tarot card (or whatever suits you) and peep into what the future holds for us. How the year preparing to go back to the pavilion has treated us? What is here to stay, what is gone forever. Netizens already are scampering for vital changes in trends in almost all areas – fashion, lifestyle, holidays, etc.  

Since my expertise is as a wellness coach, let me take you through my take on changing fitness trends in 2022. Read on to know now what is here to stay and what is out.

Fitness trends to watch out for in 2022

But first, let’s set the context and take a brief look at the past. After all recent past will go down in history as the years which made future time travel to the present. 

 It has brought about a dramatic shift in our jobs, eating habits, childcare, and our outlook on health, fitness, and wellness in general. Virtually no one has been left untouched. The trends in fitness, employment, and education have been altered like never before.   

Blast from the Past

The last two years have been a year of nothing sort of a living nightmare for most of us. It was in December 2019, when corona aka Covid – 19 aka SARS 2 made its not so humble beginnings. Since then, Corona has continued its bag packing globetrotting expedition without any break.

While almost all of us have suffered various forms of “burn-outs”, Covid – 19 is going strong and looks far from reaching a ‘burn–out ‘ stage, at least anytime soon. It seems like a prodigious stubborn kid, with innumerable mutations/ variations under its belt, even as the scientists, researchers, etc. struggle to get creative over christening the new variants. Not only that, it is always one step ahead of us, ducking and dodging vaccines and forever ready to throw one challenge after another.

Emotional Roller Coaster

Emotional Roller coaster - trends in Fitness

For us mortal human beings, it has been nothing less than a roller coaster ride on an emotional front.   The initial response for many of us was that of denial. To accept that an infinitesimally small, invisible to naked eye organism could bring the whole world under house arrest was understandably not easy.   As reality sunk in, many of us were plain angry, upset, and/or overwhelmed by the turn of the events. Gradually, we not only accepted and adapted but improvised. Some of these will improve the quality of our life forever.

Quirky Changes

Smart devices certainly brought about the smart changes in the way we do things.

  • Not too long ago the kids were not allowed to carry phones to schools. Cut to present, kids carry their entire school in their phones. The pandemic, brought the whole world to our doorstops or should we say to our screens.
  • Overnight, the quirky (wearing leggings/pyjama during a Zoomcall with clients!) became mundane.   
  • WFH became the norm, the way we learned revolutionized. You no longer need to be physically present in the Harvard/ MIT to gain access to best quality learning material/resources. The resources came to you at your convenience and at many times at no cost.
  • Legendary Mona Lisa smiles at you from you from your smart devices.

Pause (for better cause? maybe )

The COVID-19 pandemic brought this fast-moving world to a standstill. The imposed lockdown, resulting in the closure of business activities, public places, fitness, and activity centers, and overall social life, hampered all aspects of people’s lives. Forced to change the way we interact, transact and socialize, etc., many of us used this time to hit the pause button and reflect on what truly matters to us. This brought about changes in priorities – people moved houses, cities, countries, and nations to be closer to their families, made a career switch, and/ or picked up a new hobby.  Many made a complete lifestyle change –  consciously slow down, incorporating better habits for healthier living. 

Fight for Staying Fit

Like nearly all other aspects of pandemic-era life, exercise too was suddenly an at-home activity. It was a tough time for fitness freaks and enthusiasts. Restricted from venturing out and confined in their homes, people felt frustrated, suffered psychological issues, and faced fitness and health concerns. This was especially true for those who thrive on a daily dose of adrenaline rush.   However, there was a gradual increase in positive self-perception and motivation to overcome their dependence on gym and fitness equipment and continue fitness exercises at home.

Smile on – Positive Changes 

As mentioned earlier, like with nearly all other aspects of pandemic-era life, exercise too suddenly became an at-home activity. People took to live yoga/ workout classes with their beloved instructor on Zoom. Creativity soon became the order of the day – people took to doing squats with a backpack full of books or substituting accessible household stuff for weights. People turned to simple DIY at-home exercises for an effective full-body workout.  (Wondering which exercise?  – Click on the link know more )

Every coin has two faces. With the bad comes the good.  The universe of physical fitness and wellbeing has definitely transformed and for the better. Here is my take on some changes brought about by the pandemic and a few fitness trends that I think will not only stick but also become the new norm.

More Holistic health consciousness

COVID-19 has hammered home the importance of good overall health. Many patients who died or got very sick from the virus had underlying health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. It is hard to ignore that all these ailments have a lifestyle component.  

Consequently, more and more people are getting conscious not only about how they look for “that” party/ wedding but also about their overall well-being. Working out isn’t just about staying in shape anymore. It is also no more only about bikini body or getting 6 pack abs. People have realized that exercise is needed as much for heart and health solutions as it is needed for a beauty routine. 

Interestingly, during the pandemic, people have become more inclined towards combining exercise and mental relaxation to relieve stress. (

Fitness enthusiasts are actively seeking ways to promote physical and overall mental well-being in unison, rather than as two separate activities. It is not surprising then, yoga, pilates, and other mind-body activities are gaining popularity. 

There is also a growing push for more intentional exercise. Focus is now on correct form and muscle activation instead of mindlessly going through the motions of a workout/ doing/ repeating the number of reps. Unfortunately, it has pandemic for people to realize the benefit of working out “smart“, rather than working out “hard“.   

This would be n important fitness trend to watch out for in 2022.  Fitness and wellness would be considered as one piece of a health puzzle rather than a way to simply gain strength/ lose weight/ shed belly fat etc.  

Here are a few good mindfulness/ yoga apps-(with links)

The rise in Make Shift Home gyms

Workout at home

On a very positive side, the pandemic has proved that you don’t need much to be in pink of your health. Did you ever feel you expensive gym memberships or costly equipment are prerequisites for a lean body/ good health? Think again. The majority of studies and fitness trends beg to differ.   

You will be surprised – it is much simpler and affordable. All you need for a good workout is minimum space, loads of willpower, discipline, and dedication. Having some equipment aids, but the lack of it is in no way a showstopper. You can make do with a pair of dumbbells and exercise bands. Don’t have that? Nothing to stress. Get creative! Make use of stuff, available in every household. Try substituting a water bottle for dumbbells, do squats with a backpack of books.

You will be surprised, at how easy it is to come up with a “makeshift gym”, in your house itself. 

In fact, most people now believe that it is easier to stay fit at home. Maybe because with close to zero commute and being locked up at home, there is hardly any justifiable reason for “no show”.

According to a poll (during a pandemic) of 2,000 people conducted by One Poll, 75% of people believed that it’s easier to stay fit at home. 

Basic At- home  exercise equipment that you can invest in (Names with links to purchase maybe)

As the uncertainty about the pandemic lingers, my guess is that most people will stick with at-home workouts. It will not be uncommon to see people dedicating living space to personalized home gyms minus all the expensive equipment. So home-gyms are definitely going to occupy a place of prominence in fitness trends for 2022. 

Dependence on free apps/ resources

While hiring a personal trainer (on zoom)/ joining a virtual group fitness class has certainly seen an increase in interest, many prefer going solo through guided videos.  An interesting fitness trend to watch for is people utilizing free YouTube videos and exercise apps to guide them through workouts.

Many of these exercises require minimal or no equipment and use your body weight for resistance. Also since it is done alone, people tend to be open to trying new ways of working out (dancing, Zumba, yoga name a few)  as they are liberated from the thought and pressure of doing it wrong in front of others.   Given the current situation, this trend is likely to continue next year too.

Here are a few good free apps/ resources that you can make use of(name and link)

Virtual Fitness  

Home workouts were gaining traction even before the pandemic. Covid-19 has accelerated adoption of a hybrid model of online/in-person workouts.  When Corona stuck, lifestyles, suddenly became sedentary.  This upended fitness regimes for one and all. For people who have continued some kind of exercise routine, virtual fitness has been key.  According to fitness research firm Club Intel , fitness club-owners grappling with declining memberships have quickly caught on, with 72% now offering on-demand and livestream group workout.  Since the start of the pandemic, some 80% of fitness consumers live-streamed workouts compared with 7% in 2019, according to a MindBody survey. 

Virtual fitness has become the order of the day keeping the pulse of the fitness industry going. Given the convenience of time and place flexibility, this trend is surely here to stay. It perhaps won’t be an exaggeration to predict an onslaught of mixed reality soon for fitness industry. It will be a boon for fitness enthusiasts and would bring about unprecedented changes in the way we exercise our mind, body and soul.  

 Fast Forward Fitness 

As we come to the close of this year, what does the future in general and fitness, in particular, look like? People across the globe had just started celebrating and hoping for the end of the pandemic when Omicorn raised 

its ugly head – proving that the prodigious kids Carona outsmarted us once again. The world is eager for the pandemic to subside and for life to return to “normal.” But the changing fitness trends might be here to stay forever. A survey by The New Consumer and Coefficient Capital, found that 76% of consumers have switched to exercising more at home during COVID-19, and 66% say they prefer it.  

Forced by a pandemic and assisted by technology, maybe we can hope to see a much healthier, happier, and fitter world. 

What do you think? I would love to hear your take on this. Please share the trends that you think are going to emerge to welcome this new world. 



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