Magic in our Kitchens
Who wouldn’t agree, our kitchens are not only the warmest but also the most comforting place in our house? It is one place which pulls the entire family together for fun, banter and making many memories to cherish forever. But, do you know that your spice rack and other commonly used herbs, seeds etc. are in fact no less than a pandora box with unlimited benefits? In them, you would find cure to almost all common and some not-so-common ailments. All of them are packed with innumerable medicinal values. While Turmeric is a powerful antiseptic, garlic can be used to control diabetes and blood pressure, and who doesn’t know innumerable benefits offered by the all versatile aloe vera plant ?
Reach for your spice rack and you’ll not only up the flavor of your food, but you’ll also get a boost of antioxidants. “There are more than 100 common spices used in cooking around the world. Spices are concentrated sources of antioxidants,” says Diane Vizthum, M.S., R.D., research nutritionist for the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Kalonji Seeds
It should consequently not come as a surprise how many foods and ingredients, which we may already use everyday, contain specific compounds that give them medicinal properties that can protect against diseases and help to slow the effects of ageing.
Amongst them, seeds of all kinds – probably hold special place. Chia, sunflower seeds, flax seeds – all are considered super food. And one such super seed that is commonly used and widely available seed is kalonji seed. Kalonji or Nigella seeds or Kalajeera , also known as Upakunci in Ayurveda – has a characteristic taste and flavor and is used in various cuisines. Infact, it is an essential spice in the Indian kitchens as well as the Middle east and Africa. It is used in many food preparations as a tempering to enhance the aroma and flavor of food preparation. However, kalonji seeds are not only a common ingredient in several traditional recipes but also gifted with great medicinal value. Popularly known as seed of blessing, it has extensive use in Ayurveda. Kalonji is packed with dietary fiber, the power-packed seeds can be consumed in various ways but one of the best ways to ensure its regularity of consumption and its effectiveness is to mix the kalonji in warm water and drink it.
Kalonji is not only beneficial for the hair and skin and treating headaches. In fact, its use can be traced back several centuries as a natural remedy for everything from bronchitis to diarrhea (1) The seeds are loaded with several nutritional benefits like:
- Reducing any chronic inflammation in the body and maintaining the joints
- Managing gut health and improving metabolism
- Keeping the kidneys healthy
- Controlling Diabetes
- Keeping cholesterol in control and protecting the heart
- Regulating Blood Pressure
- Boosting memory
- Great for gums and teeth
- Antioxidants in the seed is known to prevent cancer
However, one of the most important benefit of Kalonji is that it helps to control and reduce weight!
According to a scientific study, an experiment conducted on a few men proved the fact to be true to every single word. The men were given kalonji mixed with warm water, honey and lemon on a daily basis for a certain amount of time. Within a week of their consumption of kalonji-water, the men showed visible signs of reduction in belly fat and weight!
Best way to consume for Maximum Benefits
The power-packed seeds can be consumed in various ways but one of the best ways to ensure its regularity of consumption and its effectiveness is to mix the kalonji in warm water (which on its own is no less than a miracle drink and amongst many other benefits, helps to lose weight) and drink it.
It is recommended to mix 1/4th teaspoon of kalonji and steep it in a glass of hot water for at least five-minutes and drink this concoction in the morning in an empty stomach. One can also add lemon juice and honey to this drink.
Be Safe – Consult and an Expert
Though, it is pretty safe to have kalonji in your daily diet, a word of caution if it is taken regularly as part of a therapy. Kalonji is not recommended if one has low blood pressure and low blood sugar. One should avoid taking kalonji before any surgery as it is a blood thinner and can cause excessive bleeding. Kalonji might interfere with the effectiveness of certain medicines related to blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. Therefore, it is best to consult an expert before you start your kalonji water and reap the maximum results from this modest seed with abundant health benefits.