Secret drink for weight management

Secret for weight management
secret for managing weight easily

Yes, you read the title right! After trying all the grueling exercises, fad/ crash diets and fighting to ward off the temptations lurking in every nook and corner, can the weight management solution be that simple?   Can any drink be an elixir of weight loss? Here, we are not talking about any complex shakes/ smoothies – just plain and simple WATER!

Hyderate yourself

All of us know that water is the original zero-calorie drink available in nature. We are blessed that our planet provides us with the abundance of it! We just need to drink it in often enough to keep ourselves rehydrated and tap into the numerous benefits associated with it.

Miracles in every sip 

Magic of H2O

There are several health benefits that are attributed to water for maintaining good health and longevity. 

  • Water helps to flush out toxins from our body.
  • Regulates the body temperature.
  • Helps to maintain a healthy heart rate.
  • Keeps the joints healthy by preserving the cushion between the joints.
  • Maintains the fluidity of blood cells.

Last but not the least, one of the many benefits of this amazing, life-supporting naturally existing drink is aiding in weight loss. There are several studies  that validate the benefits of drinking enough water and it is promoted by the medical as well as the fitness faculties all over the world.  Intrigued? Read on : 

Weight Management and Water 

Water is vert important for a healthy gut and good digestion and subsequently boosts metabolism. Drinking water can effectively suppress hunger and overeating (one of the main reasons for weight gain). Also, it is not uncommon for body to demand food when actually what it needs is water.  Hence it becomes even more important to have enough water. Water can be great alternative for calorie laded sugary drinks like tea and coffee – resulting in controlling weight.

A scientific experiment was conducted on 50 overweight girls for eight weeks to prove the theory of water-induced Thermogenesis. These girls drank 500 ml of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner apart from their daily intake of water for the span of time and reportedly lost weight.

However, needless to say that exercising and practicing clean eating along with drinking adequate amount of water would definitely yield better results. Infact, these habits are best inculcated early on in life. Children can be encouraged by exposing them to many interesting areas like kick-boxing etc. to make fitness a life long habit. 

How many times we start a new workout routine only to give up too soon. There can be numerous reasons for quitting (having a coach and mentor to motivate you can definitely you to stick to your plan). What might surprise you is the fact that not having enough water can be one of the reasons for not feeling motivated to exercise regularly.  Water helps to distribute electrolytes all over the body. Electrolytes help to prevent muscle fatigue and cramping. The imbalance of electrolytes escalates exhaustion. Therefore, drinking less water can be a major deterrent to your daily exercise routine and slow down weight loss.

Seventy percent of our body is comprised of water. The body tends to retain water in order to maintain the balance of water deficit in the body. Rehydration ensures that the body does not require to retain excess water. This helps to reduce the water weight and consequently reduces physical bloating – a common complaint.





But how much is too much ? 

However, as a health coach, I would like to add a word of caution. Water is a gift of life and it is very important to keep oneself rehydrated but there are also few contraindications of drinking too much water.

Drinking too much can overload the kidneys. Hyponatremia is a dangerous condition that can be induced by drinking too much water in a short span of time. The sodium content in the blood cells gets depleted resulting in dizziness and in extreme cases, swelling of the brain cells, which may be fatal.

Therefore, apart from sipping water to quench the thirst and combating dehydration, never try to follow a trend all by yourself. Lifestyle, medical conditions, age, climate everything plays a vital role, and are major contributing factors to determine what is the most suitable water therapy for any individual. It is always advisable to consult a professional, who can guide you if you want to reap the best result out of a water-based weight loss program.

 Contact me to get a free consultation and know what works for you.

Say Cheers to good health
Cheers to good health!


Stay fit and say cheers to a glass of water! 


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